Developed by Rebecca, these interactive, step-by-step lessons get you started and keep you on the right track to grow your business.
Choose from Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.
Step-by-step instruction on how to start and grow your beauty business.
Real client experiences and how they were handled.
How to create a team of professionals you can trust.
Daily tasks of running a small business and how to manage your time efficiently. Automation, delegation!
How to set your rates and increase them each year.
How to book the right clients for YOU.
Discover your dreams, goals and passions again.
Etiquette when working with Luxury clients, branding, your contract, your website and so much more!!
With 16 years of styling brides at numerous destinations, Rebecca's had her share of dealing with unique situations and sometimes difficult clients. It's part of running a business and instead of being timid and shy, you have to stand your ground. From difficult clients, to questionable tasks, she uncovers it all and has authentic, real talks about her experiences and how she handled them.
These discussions equip you with the tools you need to feel confident in an ever-changing world.
With so many tools and products on the market, how can decide what works best for your clients?
Rebecca unpacks her tool kit and product chest to not
only show you what she uses but how and why.
From working with thin hair, to pin-straight hair, extra long and thick or curly, you've got to know your products and what will make a style hold.
These informative and teachable tutorials will give you insight and knowledge when it comes to your clients. ​
And don't worry, you don't have to go out and buy a full line of anything. Let's use what you have.
Dive into a world of glamorous weddings as Rebecca shares her knowledge and business insider tips with you. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced courses are being developed to enhance and elevate your company. Whether you have 1 or 20 employees, Rebecca shares everything she's learned in the past 16 years working high end weddings.
Exodus 35:35
He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work...all of them, skilled workers and designers.

Proverbs 22:29
Do you see someone skilled? They will serve before kings; they will not serve before officials of low rank